Reentry Obstacles

Reentry Obstacles

Can you imagine being sent to prison for 30 years at the age of 16 and then reintegrating into society?

Youth incarcerated individuals face a myriad of challenges upon release.

Many have spent their formative years behind bars, often lacking access to education, skills development, and mental health services. When they return to their communities, they are confronted with limited job prospects, strained family relationships, and the stigma associated with a criminal record. These factors increase the risk of recidivism and hinder the chances of successful reintegration.

Primary challenges:

Navigating these obstacles is essential for successful reintegration into society.

It is vital to recognize the potential for growth and transformation among those who have been incarcerated since childhood. With adequate support, resources, and opportunities, they can reintegrate successfully, lead fulfilling lives, and contribute positively to their communities.

What We Are Providing

At PleadThe8th, we are acutely aware of the unique challenges faced by individuals who have been incarcerated since childhood. The process of reintegration into society after long periods of incarceration is fraught with obstacles, and we are committed to providing critical support during this journey.

Transition Support


Reentry Mentorship & Readiness Program

PleadThe8th is set to expand our support in 2024 by launching a mentorship program where formerly incarcerated youth mentor currently incarcerated mentees. This initiative is part of a broader effort to provide meaningful support before and after release. While our ultimate aim is to introduce specific programs within the Department of Corrections and provide comprehensive support during the transition, starting with this mentorship program allows us to make an immediate impact.

We are developing a specialized curriculum, the Reentry Readiness Program, to prepare mentees for life outside prison. Our mentors, who have themselves been incarcerated as youth, will guide mentees through this curriculum before release and continue assisting them with housing, employment, and life skills post-release. This comprehensive approach ensures a smoother transition and sustained support, enhancing the chances of successful reintegration.

Our Commitment:

Our commitment to those incarcerated since childhood extends beyond their release date. We are dedicated to breaking the cycle of incarceration by providing a strong support system that empowers individuals to rebuild their lives, achieve their goals, and contribute positively to society.

Support Our Cause

Seeking Mentors with a Unique Perspective

We are actively seeking formerly incarcerated individuals who are willing to serve as mentors for our new initiative, the Reentry Readiness Program. If you have navigated the challenges of re-entering society and are passionate about supporting youth who are still incarcerated, we need your insight and guidance. This program aims to prepare mentees for a successful transition by connecting them with mentors who truly understand the journey they are about to undertake.

Join us to make a meaningful difference in their lives.

Be a Mentor

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Youth Incarceration in Florida

Read court rulings and more about the injustices youth face in Florida.

About the Issue

Read more about the injustices youth face in the criminal justice system across the United States.

Read More

Kids In Prison.

Our blog Voices of the Silenced allows those currently or formerly incarcerated since childhood to voice their stories.


join the #pleadthe8th movement

Florida youth justice


Your Support Matters

A gift today helps us fight for kids without a voice.


Pleadthe8th is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed under the law.

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